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Are You A Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal | New Look Skin Center Medical Spa in Glendale, Encino and Irvine, CA

If you’ve been considering stopping shaving and waxing altogether, and instead getting rid of unwanted hair via a laser hair removal procedure, this short write-up will hopefully be able to assist you with your decision.

First of all, what’s wrong with shaving and waxing? Well, let’s tackle these separately.

Why Stop Shaving?

  1. You will need to shave again within 1-2 days.
  2. It takes too much time.
  3. It can leave red spots.
  4. You can get ingrown hairs.

Why Stop Waxing?

  1. It is too painful.
  2. The hair grows back within 1-2 weeks.
  3. You will see patches of hair that the wax missed.
  4. You can badly irritate your skin for days.

Why Laser Hair Removal?

First of all, laser hair removal is for almost anyone. Male, female, athletes, brides, grooms you name it. It is important to remember that laser hair removal is a lot less painful (some say they felt no pain at all) than waxing. In most cases, laser hair removal lasts a lot longer than any other type of hair removal our there. Of course, as you may already know, laser hair removal works better on light to medium color skin, and medium to dark colored hair. This doesn’t mean those with light color haired are completely out of luck. It just means that it is more difficult to treat light color hair, but you can still enjoy the benefits of laser hair removal if treated by an expert registered nurses like those available at New Look Skin Center.

In any event, it is best you come and let us determine if you are a candidate for laser hair removal. We have two medical spas located conveniently in Glendale and Encino; each location offers 100% free consultation!

Call us today for an appointment: 818-662-5005

Glendale Medical Spa Location:
1016 E. Broadway, Suite 200
Glendale, CA 91205

Encino Medical Spa Location:
17200 Ventura Blvd. Suite 113
Encino, CA 91316

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