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What Is LamPROBE?

Hyaluronic acid fillers | New Look Skin Center Medical Spa in Glendale, Encino and Irvine, CA

There are many different kinds of skin problems, and dozens (if not hundreds) of different ways to treat them, and we all know that some methods are better than others! LamPROBE is one such way to treat problems and to give you vibrant, healthy-looking skin, and it has many other benefits as well.

How Does LAMPROBE Work?

LamPROBE is noninvasive and can be done at all of our New Look Skin Center locations. LamPROBE uses radio frequency energy to remove irregularities such as fibromas, raised angiomas, skin tags, cholesterol deposits, age spots, benign moles, subcutaneous cysts, and even clogged pores. A heated probe is placed on the skin, which interrupts the blood flow to the area. The cells in the area are killed and peeled off, revealing a new, refreshed layer of skin.

Treatments are fairly quick because they can remove skin irregularities in only seconds. A session can take as little as half an hour, depending on what problems you are having addressed. The procedure is virtually risk and pain free. Topical anesthesia is not even needed, although some patients do report minor discomfort. Men and women of all ages and skin types can have a LamPROBE treatment.

Some patients see results right away, as soon as the treatment is over. Other patients may see results in a few days. There may be some scabbing or redness afterward. Any side effects are temporary and will only last a couple of days. You can help your skin by treating it with some special care for a day after the procedure. Such as by not washing the treated area or applying makeup for 24 hours.

If you have been looking for a way to get rid of blemishes or skin irregularities, LamPROBE may be the solution for you – or maybe there is another treatment that would suit your needs better. You have a few to choose from, and the skin care experts at New Look Skin Center can advise you on which treatment would be most effective for your skin problems. Contact the office in Glendale, Encino, or Irvine to make an appointment. Call (818) 662-5005 today!

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