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7 Must Know Things About Kybella

Facial Remodeling | New Look Skin Center Medical Spa in Glendale, Encino and Irvine, CA

Having a double chin can make you look (and feel) old. Even worse, there is not much you can do about it – even people who get regular exercise and eat right can end up with a double chin. Luckily, though, there is a solution, and it has many benefits. Read on for some information on KYBELLA® and what it can do for you!

What is KYBELLA?

KYBELLA is a popular, proven, and effective way to get rid of that double chin. Here are some more KYBELLA facts!

  1. KYBELLA lets you avoid the hassle, expense, and downtime that comes with a surgical procedure to remove fat or tone up the area under the chin. The procedure only involves a simple injection.

  2. Results from KYBELLA are permanent, because it actually destroys fat cells. These fat cells are harmlessly and naturally flushed out of the body. However, there are two things to keep in mind: because it takes time for these cells to be removed, it can take some time to see the final results. And, you can always regain fat, so be sure to live a healthy lifestyle!

  3. Each session only takes about 20 minutes, although you may need more than one session. And, you can get right back to your normal activities as soon as your procedure is complete.

  4. KYBELLA is safe and has been approved by the FDA.

  5. May not be for you if you have loose skin underneath the chin rather than extra fat. Also, if you are nursing or pregnant, you should not have a KYBELLA procedure.

  6. Because KYBELLA only involves an injection and no incisions, you don’t have to worry about scars.

  7. After you may be swollen and tender and a bit bruised, but this is only temporary.

The most important thing you should know about KYBELLA is that it can get rid of that double chin and give your face a thinner, contoured, toned, and youthful look. If you are interested in KYBELLA, call New Look Skin Center today, for an appointment at the Glendale, Encino, or Irvine office. Call (818) 662-5005!

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