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A New Smile in the New Year

New Smile in the New Year | New Look Skin Center Medical Spa in Glendale, Encino and Irvine, CA

New Look Skin Center has a variety of ways for you to take care of those things about yourself that you might not like: there are treatments to get rid of cellulite, treat acne scars and wrinkles, and get the long and luscious eyelashes you’ve always wanted – but if you have yellow, stained teeth, it is possible that no one will notice these other things you’ve done. If you are considering some self-improvement for the new year, don’t forget the teeth! We offer teeth whitening at new look skin center.

Why Get Professional Teeth Whitening?

There are plenty of products you can get over the counter if you are worried about stained teeth, but there are some very good reasons to have it done professionally. You’ll see dramatic results more quickly than you would if you do it at home.

At New Look Skin Center, professional-strength tooth whitening products and techniques are used. They can get down into the tooth to get rid of those stains in the lower layers of teeth. They are much more effective than toothpaste or those strips that you buy at the drugstore.

The Beaming White technique is one such option for tooth whitening. A whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied, which gets down into the teeth to break apart discolorations. Then, a blue LED light is used to remove the stains; you’ll sit under this light for about an hour. It may take two or three treatments to see results, but these results are impressive and long-lasting, as long as you take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing and try to limit food and beverages that cause staining.

Beaming White is also very safe and can be used for just about any adult who would like whiter teeth. You don’t even need to have a dental exam before your whitening appointment.

You’ve taken care of some wrinkles and that bit of cellulite – don’t forget to take care of your teeth so that you are proud to show off that smile! Contact New Look Skin Center for a professional tooth whitening appointment. Call the office in Glendale, Encino, or Irvine at (818) 662-5005 today!

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