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Benefits of Cat Eye Thread Lift

Portrait of a Girl | New Look Skin Center Medical Spa in Glendale, Encino and Irvine, CA

A cat eye thread lift, also known as a fox eye lift, is a non-surgical procedure that uses PDO (Polydioxanone) threads in the skin to visibly lift the treatment area. Let’s go over the benefits of cat eye thread lift.

Non Surgical Brow Lift

Cat eye threads provide an excellent alternative to traditional brow lift surgery. With this non-permanent treatment, you can enjoy a low-commitment, high-payoff solution.

During a cat eye thread lift, the insertion of PDO threads triggers your body’s natural collagen and elastin production. This process leads to increased skin volume and a fuller appearance in the brow area, while also enhancing definition around the outer corners of your eyes.

It’s important to note that PDO threads do not contain collagen, hyaluronic acid, or synthetic medications. The threads themselves serve as a stimulant for your skin’s own collagen production, resulting in the desired lifted effect without the need for additional substances.

How Long Does it Last?

Typically takes 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Results become evident within hours and can be dramatic in the weeks following the procedure. Over a period of months, the effects gradually lessen until the brows and eye corners return to their preexisting shape.

How Much Does it Cost?

On average, the costs range from $2000, plus or minus. 

How To Book?

After reading the Benefits of Cat Eye Thread Lift  and are interested in booking an appointment. You can book a free consultation by using our NLSC APPOnline booking the  or call 818.662.5005

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