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Plasma Lift

Plasma Lift

About Plasma Lift

Plasma Lift is a 100% non-invasive and non-surgical procedure and is the only cosmetic treatment to use plasma to reduce the volume of excess skin while generating collagen and elastin fibers that can fade as we age. It has low risk, minimal downtime and more affordable than surgery. With Plasma Lift we can promote skin rejuvenation, firming, tightening and lifting, to give you a more youthful appearance.

What is a Plasma Lift?

It is a Revolutionary treatment and beauty game changer!!!
Plasma Lift-Skin tightening treatment is NON-invasive or NON-surgical procedure where no scalpels or any surgical instruments are used.

Plasma Lift is basically an electrical arc that is transmitted through a small probe. This innovative technique cannot cause the so-called “over lifting”, as it only affects excess/loose skin which returns to its “original state”.

The procedure can be carried out only by a certified specialist.

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First, the topical anesthetic (cream) is applied, minimizing the risk of pain and numbing the treated area. The anesthetic takes effect 20 minutes after the application. The procedure itself does not last long, 20–30 minutes depending on the area. The duration of the treatment (with anesthetic application): 60–90 minutes.

It is advisable that you do not apply any cosmetic products on the treated area (especially those containing alcohol). During the consultation you should mention all recent surgical or aesthetic procedures. We also ask that you avoid any sun exposure for up to 4 weeks prior to the treatment and up to 2 weeks after treatment.

Plasma Lift-Skin Tightening is a non-invasive procedure with minimal level of pain. It is virtually painless, as the treated area is numbed before the treatment. After the treatment the treated area is red (7–14 days) and some patients may experience some swelling, which may last up to 3–4 days. At the site of each spot a small crust will form. They should not be touched and you should wait for 4–5 days for them to fall off naturally. During the procedure the clients may feel some discomfort, not actual pain, depending on the treated area of the face/body.

With the help of Plasma Lift-Skin Tightening instrument it is possible to treat various skin problems (acne), achieve the “lifting effect” of the loose skin or correct or remove scars …

If you suffer from any of the above mentioned and do not want to go through a traditional surgical procedure, PRIVÉ Academy Plasma Lift-Skin Tightening is right solution for you.

  • Upper eyelids
  • Lower eyelids
  • Neck tightening
  • Mid-face lifting
  • Wrinkles
  • Worry lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Smile lines
  • Nasolabial lines
  • Belly skin reduction
  • Removal of age & sun spots (usually not on face)
  • It can be performed on any loose/saggy skin area

We do NOT treat MOLES and birthmarks!

The treatment is very safe, as it is a non-surgical procedure. It has a negligible amount of possible side effects and serious complications alike. The procedure is based on the natural stimulation of skin regeneration, so the excesses which may be seen in the world of traditional surgery are not possible.

The Plasma Lift-Skin Tightening treatment takes a very short time, with stress on the aftercare, as, in case the client neglects the instructions for aftercare, the treated area may suffer from inflammation, hyper-pigmentation, scarring …

Aftercare of FIBROBLAST SKIN-TIGHTENING treatments.

It is very important that we treat our skin well after any cosmetic treatment, so we not only get great results, but we protect ourselves from any complications. All three creams are based on mild ingredients and can also be used for other skin difficulties.

Do not pick carbon crust; it will fall off in a few days

  • After the treatment continue applying the aftercare cream on the treated area as long as it is sensitive or when you are exposed to sun, as it contains SPF and protects the treated area.
  • Avoid sauna, pools, solariums or any kind of exposure to activities which present risk for infection of the treated area
  • Make sure to protect the treated area from direct sun until the skin is completely regenerated (2–3 weeks).
  • Do not apply products containing alcohol or other scents.
  • Do not cover with plasters or covers.

The Plasma Lift-Skin Tightening treatment is an exceptionally safe procedure. Possible side effects are inflammation, scarring or minor change in skin pigmentation, which is very rare. It is highly important for each client to follow the instructions for aftercare closely. Crusts which occur after the treatment are part of the treatment and will fall off after 4–5 days. Minor swelling after treating the area around the eyes is normal and will disappear after 3–5 days, depending on the client’s sensitivity.

Do not use makeup after the treatment, as it generally is not sterile. First 5–6 days after the treatment, until the crusts fall off, use the antiseptic product and the aftercare cream, applying it softly to the treated area. When the crusts fall off, you may apply some makeup if necessary, as the cream the therapist gives you contains skin powder which covers the crusts and the blush

Usually, Plasma Lift is minimum 2 sessions treatment. It depends on the state of the clients’ skin and the desired degree of correction. The client is often satisfied after only one treatment, of course, if, e.g. the wrinkles are not very deep, but due to the simplicity of the procedure and the affordable price the clients opt for two or even three treatments to achieve a perfect result. The procedure may be repeated after the skin is fully regenerated. Generally, 2 sessions are required.

The results of the Plasma Lift-Skin Tightening treatment are permanent and may be visible for years. But we should acknowledge that the aging process is continuous and thus the skin ages every day after the procedure and this cannot be stopped. The results of this method are permanent, but when we talk about mimic facial lines (worry lines) these may recur quickly because muscles are stronger than the skin and consequently the lines recur.

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