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PRF Gel Service In Glendale, CA

PRF Gel Service In Glendale, CA

RF Gel Service is an advanced regenerative treatment using Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) derived from your blood in order to rejuvenate your skin and enhance its appearance. A simple blood draw is performed, followed by the extraction of PRF through a centrifugation process that separates the blood components. Unlike Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), PRF contains a higher amount of platelets, white blood cells, and growth factors, all of which stimulate collagen production and promote healing. This service can effectively treat under-eye regions, reducing dark circles and puffiness, fine lines, wrinkles, and overall skin texture. At New Look Skin Center in Glendale, CA, PRF Gel Service offers a natural and effective solution for those seeking to rejuvenate their skin without surgery or synthetic fillers.

PRF Gel Service in Glendale, CA, is ideal for individuals looking for a natural way to improve their skin’s appearance, particularly those concerned with aging signs like wrinkles, under-eye circles, and sagging skin. All skin types can benefit from the treatment, and it is an excellent option for those who prefer non-surgical procedures with minimal downtime. You can expect initial improvements within a few weeks, with continued enhancements over several months as collagen production increases. The results typically last for up to a year, making it a long-lasting solution for youthful skin. To experience the benefits of PRF Gel Service, book an appointment today at New Look Skin Center in Glendale, CA.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) Pricing

PRP Facial with Microneedling $750

This treatment combines Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) with microneedling to enhance skin texture, reduce fine lines, and promote even skin tone. When the skin is microneedled, microinjuries are created, allowing the PRP to penetrate deeper, stimulating collagen production for smoother, rejuvenated skin.

Hand Rejuvenation $650

PRP Hand Rejuvenation targets aging signs on the hands, such as wrinkles and volume loss. The concentrated platelets in PRP encourage tissue regeneration and collagen production, helping to restore a more youthful appearance to the hands.

Hand Rejuvenation with Microneedling $800

This treatment enhances the effects of PRP Hand Rejuvenation by incorporating microneedling. The combination promotes deeper absorption of PRP, leading to improved skin texture, reduced wrinkles, and increased hand volume.

Non-Invasive Hair Loss Management $850

PRP for hair loss management focuses on stimulating hair growth in thinning areas. The growth factors in PRP target hair follicles, promoting healthier, thicker hair over time without surgery.

Non-Invasive Hair Loss Management with Microneedling $1000

Combining PRP with microneedling for hair loss management helps to further stimulate hair follicles by creating micro-channels in the scalp. This process enhances the effectiveness of PRP, encouraging more robust and denser hair growth.

Benefits of PRF Gel Service:

Patient Testimonials


PRF Gel Service is suitable for anyone looking to improve their skin’s texture, reduce signs of aging, or enhance their under-eye area. It’s ideal for individuals who prefer natural treatments using their blood-derived growth factors.

Initial results can be seen within a few weeks after the treatment, with more noticeable improvements appearing over several months as collagen production increases.

The effects of PRF Gel Service typically last up to a year, depending on the individual’s skin condition and the area treated.

PRF Gel Service involves minimal downtime. Injection site swelling, redness, or bruising may occur in some patients, but these effects usually subside within a few days.

A few days before the treatment, it is recommended to avoid anti-inflammatory medications and alcohol. After the procedure, follow your provider’s instructions, which may include avoiding sun exposure and strenuous activities for a short period.

During PRF Gel Service, the blood is drawn and processed to extract PRF. The PRF is then injected into the target areas, stimulating collagen production and promoting natural rejuvenation. It is a relatively painless and quick process.

Platelet-rich plasma has been widely used in the treatment of traumatic and degenerative injuries. Its recent addition to plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine has opened the doors for the correction of many of the signs of aging. Currently, PRP injections or microneedling are used to treat cosmetic concerns such as acne scarring and other mild scars, the signs of aging on the face and hands, alopecia, and male pattern baldness.

Adults who are interested in natural tissue rejuvenation to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and textural irregularities are often good candidates for PRP injections. Ideal candidates are in good general health and do not smoke or drink excessively, as these habits affect the body’s ability to produce collagen and other regenerative chemicals. A PRP consultation involves a discussion about goals, a brief medical history, and details about how platelet-rich plasma works and what may inhibit the efficacy of this treatment.

The duration of a PRP therapy session varies between clients. Most procedures fall somewhere between 45 minutes and one hour. The length of your session will depend on your unique needs, the areas being treated, and the cosmetic goals you are looking to achieve.

The results of your PRP therapy can last anywhere from six months to one year. The longevity of your outcome will depend on several factors, including health, skincare, and age. Older patients typically see results last for several months. This is because the ongoing decline in collagen and elastin that occurs with aging can alter the effects of your PRP treatment. Extensive and consistent sun exposure can also impact your PRP results by causing damage to the skin. To maintain your outcome, practice proper skincare and wear sunscreen when exposed to the sun.

Once your PRP results have completely diminished and you no longer see the beneficial effects of this treatment, you can return to have your PRP therapy repeated. Many patients seek maintenance PRP sessions one to two times per year to maintain their results.

PRP therapy is considered to be a low-risk procedure with very few side effects. Most patients do not experience any adverse effects from their PRP treatment. Rare complications can include bleeding at the injection site, tissue damage, infection, or nerve injuries.

Pain tolerance varies from client to client, but PRP is not regarded as a highly painful procedure. The PRP process involves both a blood draw portion and an injection portion, which means it may be uncomfortable for patients who have difficulty with needles. Your provider can apply a topical numbing agent to the skin prior to administering your PRP injections to help you stay comfortable.

Patients who receive PRP injections can expect both side effects and dramatic improvements. Initially, the skin may become inflamed as a result of injections. Areas where PRP has been introduced may look red and swollen. In some cases, bruising occurs. These side effects typically resolve within a week.

If the skin becomes rough or flaky after treatment, it is important to moisturize and use facial sprays as needed and to avoid rubbing or picking. Finally, sun protection should be prioritized.

A few weeks after PRP injections, new collagen is forming and generating new, healthy cells in the deeper layers of the skin. This may be revealed in smoother, more vibrant skin. Collagen remodeling continues for several months. With the action occurring well below the epidermis, patients may only see mild changes in their skin’s appearance in the early weeks after treatment. For a more significant cosmetic change, many patients choose to integrate microneedling into their long-term beauty regimen.

The results of PRP treatments become increasingly visible for 4 to 12 weeks. If, during this timeframe, further improvements are desired, treatment may be repeated. Depending on the degree of correction that is needed, a patient may undergo PRP microneedling or injections every 4 to 12 weeks. Once the foundation of collagen has been rebuilt, touch-ups can be performed annually or a few times a year. Maintenance continues to stimulate and nourish fibroblasts and other cells involved in tissue regeneration

The speed at which the effects of PRP are reflected in one’s appearance may vary. Generally, patients notice a new glow to their skin within a few days of PRP microneedling or injections. This relates to the increase in circulation through the dermis and epidermis and the increase in fibroblast activity in the deeper layers of the skin. As new collagen forms, the skin becomes firmer and smoother. However, these effects occur gradually and subtly over up to 12 months.

To minimize risks, patients are advised to postpone strenuous exercise for 24 hours after PRP injections or microneedling with PRP. Strenuous exercise is described as any activity that increases heart rate to over 100 beats per minute. Additionally, patients should avoid all forms of excessive heat for 24 hours, including but not limited to hair-dryers, saunas, hot tubs, sun exposure, and hot showers or baths.

Pain tolerance varies from client to client, but PRP is not regarded as a highly painful procedure. The PRP process involves both a blood draw portion and an injection portion, which means it may be uncomfortable for patients who have difficulty with needles. Your provider can apply a topical numbing agent to the skin prior to administering your PRP injections to help you stay comfortable.

PRP injections have a long history of use in areas of medicine that focus on tissue regeneration. This organic substance harvested from a patient’s blood has provided valuable benefits in wound healing, joint injuries, and hair restoration. The safety of platelet-rich plasma has been well-established through years of clinical use as an independent therapy or in conjunction with other procedures.

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